A little adding and subtracting anyone??
A few weeks ago, Danelle and I were playing "School" and I started introducing her to addition and subtraction problems...just for kicks. She took little interest, and I left it alone. Last night she and I had to make a quick run to the store for a few things, and she asked me if I would buy her this Princess "add" book. OF COURSE I WILL!!! :) After eating dinner at Ryan's, she and I made it home to my house. Now clean, full and in the bed, we pulled out the book. She completed two whole pages, when I finally made her put it away because it was getting late, and she had school in the morning! She loves it! She is absolutely addicted to mathematical equations! She loves counting, writing, and reading numbers! The only thing she didn't find too thrilling was when she had to color the fish after completing their mathematical sentences for Ariel, whom is the "Little Mermaid"! ;) This morning, she sat straight up in the bed with this huge smile on her face, and said, "Good morning Sleepy Head! Can I do some more adding before school, please!!" HAHAHA!!! Okay....sure you can. How about some green beans on the side of that order! lol.
She completed two more pages this morning while eating her breakfast!
You just don't know how cute and intelligent she looks adding up these numbers and counting on her fingers, especially with her cute little "Hannah Montana, Taylor Swift, Country girl" glasses on!! :)
Below you can see a picture of her workbook as well her purple glasses! ;) I will upload some pictures of her working her brains soon!!