Happy 5th Birthday Caden!!
Danelle's first school birthday party! (Below you will find some pictures of Danelle climbing trees with the boys!) ;)

Danelle attended her first "School Friend Birthday Party" Saturday morning. Caden, whom is in her class at Little Red School House turned five years old!! Danelle told me that "He was really bigand strong, and could cross the big monkey bars now!" lol. It was a little chilly, but the kids had a good time. They played basketball, climbed trees, and had tons of party games! The hotdogs, chips and dip, goldfish, and pineapple were delicious! Heather (Caden's mom) made a variety of cupcake flavors. They were really good too! ;)
Danelle actually won the first party game! You know the good ole' pin the tail on the donkey...right? Well, this was place the "jellyfish" close to Spongebob's net! lol. (The party was in Spongebob theme!!) Well, all the kids got spun around five time, blind folded, and then had to place their jellyfish as close to the net as they thought. Well, all the kids went...and well....they were not too succesful...then it was Nelly's turn. Heather put the blind fold on her, and spun her around...she stumbled a little, and then walked straight to the net and placed her jellyfish! :)
Everyone was shocked...that she did that good! I said, "Umm...Danelle, honey can you see?" She said "No, ma'am". Heather stuck out her hand in front of Danelle's face, and said, "How many fingers am I holding up?" Danelle answered with much excitment "2!". lol. And...needless to say....she was right! The little turkey was cheating!! lol. But, she still won because everyone else thought it was funny and cute and agreed she should win the prize! She received a goody bag with a brush, some hair bows, some candy, a purple pencil, and I think even some glow sticks. lol.
All in all...she and I really enjoyed Caden's birthay! :)
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