You have to love the Farm Family!
This past Sunday Danelle and I drove out to see our very good friends Wendy and Daelynn!! The girls had such a good time playing board games, dress up, makeup, blocks, dolls, easter bunny, and even dancing to Jason Aldean! ;) But, the highlight of the day, was putting on their rain boots, and stomping through the mud making their way to the pig pen to see Daelynn's new baby pig "Wilbur". Danelle was so excited to feed this little piglet it's milk!! Danelle is used to being around Chickens, cows, horses, and other farm animals...but never a little tiny baby pig!! Just look at Daelynn's face...she is such a proud little pig owner! ;) Daelynn then took Danelle into the chicken coop, to retrieve the eggs, and Danelle found this very entertaining as well. From what I hear...Daelynn and Cade are expecting baby bunnies from the Easter Bunny this year...hmmm...we will definatly have to go see them as well. ;)
Below are a few pictures of our very fun day! ( Aren't the ones of Cade with Wilbur adorable?) He is such a little country man! Ha!!
Oh' as Danelle and I were leaving and saying our goodbyes...Daelynn standing at the back door, with her whole family behind her says, " Call us the Farm Family"....after all we are the farm family, ya know!!" LOL. She is such a mess!! So, all in all we enjoyed our rainy day with our Farm Family! :)

P.S. There are a few pictures of Daelynn and Danelle playing easter bunny in an older post, called the D&D Team. :)
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