Friday, January 15, 2010

Little Lost Kitten

Once upon a time....there was a little lost kitten...

Over the "cold spell" we heard a noise coming from under the house. Ryan and I bundled up, and went out in the freezing weather to scope it out. To our surprise, we found a little gray kitten right under the front steps. The kitten was very wild...but in much need of some warmth and shelter. We set out some milk, and went back inside. The kitten had licked the bowl dry...we tried for about an hour to get her...but she wouldn't come to us. The next day Ryan set out a trap baited with a can of potted meat. None the less, the little hungry devil took the bait!! We caught the little "loud" baby kitten that was keeping us up all night!! We put tons of blankets inside a big cage we had from his previous dog, as well as two blankets draped over the cage to keep out the wind. We set up a make shit cat litter box, and a box with some more towels to get into for bedding. We picked up some canned kitten food the next day at Tractor Supply, and she was set. Knowing that we couldn't keep this little lady...Ryan's mom printed up some fliers and posted them around her work. Not two days later...we found a good home for this little one! The "girls" Hannah, Hailey, and Danelle were sad to see her go...but all in all we were very happy that we were able to help the kitten find a good home. :)

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